Himalayan Pet Supplies Dog Chew Treats
Creating a new category within the Pet Industry, Himalayan Pet Supply spent time re-engineering the traditional Nepalese cheese; Chhurpi, into dog friendly chews. These chews are an alternate source of protein and helps provide mental stimulation along with healthy gums and teeth. The Himalayan Dog Chew Treats are lactose, grain, gluten, soy, and corn-free, and also free from all binding agents and preservatives. They are available in a variety of sizes, so there is something available for your friend, no matter how big or small.
Choose the right Himalayan Dog Chew
Chewing is a natural activity that dogs seek out. It stimulates saliva and naturally promotes dental health. Chewing also provides entertainment for your dogs and relives stress.
It is important that dogs have access to safe chews so they can avoid potential hazards and to protect the pet owners' property. Most dogs are satisfied with periodic chewing in short intervals throughout the day.
Always monitor your dog:
- The chew should not come apart in chunks, these chunks may be swallowed and block internal organs.
- The chew should be large enough that it cannot be swallowed. The dog should be able to hold the chew and stabilise it with their paws during chew time.
- Teeth can be damaged when dogs chew aggressively on a chew that is too hard for their chewing style.
- Replace any chew that has become small enough that it can be swallowed.
The Himalayan Dog Chew Story
It started in 2003 with an idea born out of curiosity. Two brothers, Suman and Sujan Shrestha and Kaos the dog, discovered that dogs love Churpi; the traditional Nepalese chew made for people of the Himalayas. They spent 4 years re-engineering the traditional ancient recipe by removing the lactose and fat content; creating a healthy, savoury long-lasting chew for dogs now known as The Himalayan Dog Chew.
From humble beginnings at a small local pet fair in Bellingham, WA to the award-winning company we are today, they have led the pet industry in an innovative new direction with our original hard cheese chews; creating a new category within the pet industry - a category loyal pet owners love.